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 Tania is a wife and mother of 3 beautiful children. She has a Masters degree in Financial Economics and speaks 5 languages. She is a certified yoga instructor and reconnective healing practitioner. All the modalities she offers are oriented towards   holistic healing  and spiritual realisation.

About Tania

TRAINING AND SEMINARS : Prana Flow by Shiva Rea and Konstantina Maridaki, Jennifer Raye Chinese therapy yoga, Anna Forrest- forrest yoga, Satyananda yoga and Vanda Scaravelli inspired yoga by Alexandra Sotiropoulou, Gregor Maehle Ashtanga, Nada yoga and KIRTAN by Stelios Karpathakis, Inner Engineering by Sadhguru, ATMA Healing and Kriya by Atma Nambi, Gabor Mate Masterclass for Healers, Inner Child Healing diploma course by Centre of Excellence, Barbara Brennan Healing, Reconnective Healing, Dr. Joe Dispenza immersions, Tantric Sexuality by Daniel Odier, Time Τherapy by Giorgos Pavlides, Raja Choudhury Awakening Kundalini, Adyashanti meditation retreats, Hemi-Sync, Darshan - Yoga and the Art of Seeing by Tias Little, Contemplative Therapies: Building Resilience Through Mindfulness and Compassion by Joe Loizzo & Moustafa Abdelrahman, The Realization Process: Moving and Chanting as Fundamental Consciousness by Judith Blackstone, Trauma Therapy - A Somatic Approach by Dr. Albert Wong, Osho Holistic massage by Asupta Μikelia Legatou, Pranayama and Υοga Nidra by Spyros Kapnias Garudananda, Whirling  by Mariam Prokou, Osteodouce   by Yann Yvinec.


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